2 Configuration of the SIS

First set up and server characteristics

Besides the first registration in the SIS, you will be requested for the first set up. Through the confirmation of the notification, the global configuration for this server will be opened. Later you can reach this dialogue using the right mouse button on the server nodes in the navigation tree.

For the first set up, the data base set up is especially important. Through the indication of connective data, the SIS data base with the provided name will be generated or used in case it already exists.

The email sending should also be set up. Keep actively informed about the integration of errors, warnings and the daily status via this way. Thereby, errors will directly be emailed. Warnings and status information will be collected and sent once a day.

The following parameter belong to this dialogue:

1.1 Administrator user name

The registration name for this server.

1.2 Administrator password

The password for the registration at the SIS.

1.3 Administrator email addresses

Standard email address for all automatic notifications of the SIS.

2.1 Data base server 

Data base server (if applicable with instance name) for the integration data base.

2.2 Data base name 

Name of the SIS data base. This will be generated if applicable. 

2.3 Data base user

User name for the integration data base. This user needs to be able to generate the data base.

2.4 Data base password

Password for the integration data base.  
3.1 SMTP serverSMTP server for sending emails. 

3.2 SMTP port 

SMTP port for sending emails.  
3.3 SMTP user nameSMTP user for sending emails.  

3.4 SMTP password

SMTP Password for sending emails.  

3.5 SSL codification

SSL: Yes / No 

3.6 SMTP sender address

Sender address for sending emails. 

3.7 SMTP sender name

Sender name for sending emails. 

4.1 Varying email addresses for error notifications

The administrator email addresses are standard.

4.2 Varying email addresses for warnings

The administrator email addresses are standard.

4.3 Varying email addresses for status reports

The administrator email addresses are standard.

5.1 Logging level for server incidents

The mode "Debugging" for server indicdents activates an SQL record which will directly be writen in a file (see log folder). All SQL accesses in the SIS are affected (internal access, data services).  

5.2 Logging level for process incidentsThe mode "Debugging" for process incidents normally records all end system communications.

5.3 Logging level for data service incidents  

The mode "Debugging" for data service incidents normally records all end system communications.

5.4 No writing of log files

This parameter suppresses the writing of record files additional to the data base record.  
5.5 Use security memoryWith this parameter, you can deactivate the generation of security copies of records. This saves disk space but this also means that the tracking and recovery are no longer available.
5.6 Save record copy in recordsWith this parameter, a copy of the source record will be saved at all belonging record entries what enables a comprehensive transparency of the synchronisation. The deactivation reduces the memory requirement of the SIS data base.
5.7 Save record copy in data image

With this parameter, a copy of the source record will be saved at the data image. This copy includes the status of the record after the transformation. For the conflict handling "Only write source changes", this copy will be required as a comparison in order to recognise source changes. The deactivation reduces the memory requirement of the SIS data base. 

6.1 SIS server port

TCP port for the communication with the SIS (by SIS administrator or CRM).

6.2 Start job processing automatically when starting the service

The SIS requires an active process processing in order to implement the synchronisation. By using autostart, this processing will activated directly when starting the windows service.

In order to secure an uninterruptible operation, this parameter should be activated.

6.3 Maximum amount of parallel processes on this server

The individual synchronisation processes can be implemented parallely by the SIS. This parameter configures the maximum.

6.4 Start automatic data service processing when starting the service

The SIS requires an active data service processing in order to implement the saving or the export of data services. Using autostart, this processing will directly be activated when starting the windows service.

6.5 Maximum amount of parallel data services on this server

The individual data service implementations can be implemented parallely by the SIS. This parameter configurates the maximum.
6.6 Automatic reactivation of processes and data services If a process or data service has the characteristic "Time controlling has been activated", but no entry is available in the queue, the required entries will be generated daily at 6 a.m.. The particular processing needs to be active in order to make the feature available.

6.7 Server ID

The ID of this server in the SIS framework.
6.8 Inspection intervall of queues for processes  The standard value is 5 seconds. A smaller value might increase the load on the data base and the server. Through a higher value, the implementation of processes delays.
6.9 Inspection intervall of queues for data servicesThe standard value is 5 seconds. A smaller value might increase the load on the data base and the server. Through a higher value, the implementation of data services delays.

7.1 License

Your license key for the SIS.

7.2 Online activation

The online activation key enables the one-time generation of the SIS license.

7.3 Licensed connections

The maximum amount of installed connections will be determined by the license. If this amount will be exceeded, the process implementation cannot be continued.

7.4 Serial number

The serial number is server specific and the counterpart of the license key.

7.5 License type

Extended oder Basic wird durch die Lizenz festgelegt und hat Einfluss auf den Funktionsumfang. 

7.6 Maximum allowed version

This version will be frozen when terminating the maintenance for the SIS. The installation of a higher version leads to a stopped process implementation.

7.7 Newest version

The offical most current version of the SIS.

8.1 Proxy

The proxy indications will be used by the SIS for the online access.

8.2 Proxy user name

The proxy indications will be used by the SIS for the online access.
8.3 Proxy passwordThe proxy indications will be used by the SIS for the online access.
9.1 Activate SIS webserviceThe SIS webservice currently offers the opportunity to enqueue an adhoc tranfer. With this parameter, the SIS webservice and all webservice plugins will be activated. The activation will be carried during the start of the windows service.
9.2 SIS webservice port Defines the TCP port where the webservices can be accessed.

Reports 1. Last sent date of status email

The SIS sends a status and maintenance report daily by email.

Reports 2. Next sent date

The SIS sends a status and maintenance report daily by email.

Reports 3. Next reactivation date for processes

At that time, a verification of the process queue takes place.

Reports 4. Next reactivation date for data services

At that time, a verification of the data service queue takes place. 

Path for configuration file

This configuration will be saved and secured in a file under this path.

Path for process plugin

Working directory for plugins.

Path for connection plugin

Working directory for plugins.

Path for records

Path to record files.