4 Configuration of the connection plugin

An SIS connection plugin encapsulates the whole communication with a certain end system. This includes the reading of data, the writing of data and the determination of the data  scheme.

Die Konfiguration einer Verbindung beinhaltet in der Regel Zugangsdaten, Mandantenangaben und globale Parameter.

The configuration of a connection includes normally access data, mandate details and global parameter.

You can create a new connection by selecting the desired plugin under "Plugin / Connection Plugin". By double clicking or using the context menu, the connection dialogue of the plugin is opening.

By saving a new connection or an existing connection with with the activated checkbox "Update Scheme", the SIS invokes the schme of the connection and saves it in the SIS data base. This scheme is the working basis for the configuration of processes and will be buffered due to performance reasons. If you change the data scheme for instance through the generation of new panels, you need to introduce this change to the SIS by updating the connection scheme so that you are able to use them.